Tag Archives: kentucky wildcats

Paul Finebaum’s Worst Nightmare


Apparently, Paul Finebaum’s Conference can’t beat the ACC since his high and mighty Conference went 0-4 against the ACC this past weekend.

I’d love to hear all of the excuses, but I can’t make myself watch the Paul Finebaum Show on the SEC Network for more than a few minutes at a time.

I’ve already heard the Georgia Bulldogs fumbled, but since I watched the game also I saw that the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets also fumbled and Georgia had a 99 yard Touchdown on a fumble return. So, that excuse doesn’t cut the mustard.


Jameis Winston threw 4 interceptions.


Louisville was playing with a true freshman Quarterback and a redshirt freshman Quarterback. The redshirt freshman threw for 381 yards and 3 Touchdowns against this SEC defense.


Clemson Quarterback Deshaun Watson has an injured knee and their other Quarterback Cole Stoudt has a bad shoulder.

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Excuses work both ways.



As I’ve posted on this board many times that I have nothing against the SEC. In fact, I like the SEC. I was really glad to learn we would be getting the SEC Network back in the summer and I watch it almost every day other than the 4 hours every day that they set aside for the Paul Finebaum Show.

Frankly, I don’t get why a bunch of people are actually a fan of a conference. But, whatever floats your boat you are more than free to run with. Or, is that more than free to float with?

But, I really do like the SEC. It’s just a little bit tiresome to hear the chest pumping and bragging by it’s pimps on ESPN day in and day out.


Right now, there a bunch of fans of certain ACC schools that are saying a collective ‘enough, already’.