Category Archives: 2014 rankings

New Poll After Upset Saturday Oct 4

1. Florida State: 5-0

2. Auburn: 5-0

3. Ole Miss: 5-0

4. Alabama: 4-1

5. Mississippi State: 5-0

6. Notre Dame: 5-0

7. Georgia: 3-1

8. Michigan State: 4-1

9. Baylor: 5-0

10. Oklahoma: 4-1

11. Oregon: 4-1

12. Texas A%M: 5-1

13. Ohio State: 4-1

14. UCLA: 4-1

15. Stanford: 3-2

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17. Oklahoma State: 4-1

18. USC: 3-2

19. Arizona: 5-0

20. Clemson: 3-2

21. TCU: 4-0

22. Missouri: 4-1

23. East Carolina: 4-1

24: Kansas State:  4-1

25. Kentucky: 4-1

26. Nebraska: 5-1

27. Arizona State: 4-1

28. Wisconsin: 3-2

29. Washington: 4-1

30. Florida: 3-1