Monthly Archives: May 2014

The Longhorn and the SEC Network Fiasco

As a long time college football fan, I can tell you that the game has changed a lot over the last few decades.

In the late 1960s, the seasons didn’t even start until about the 3rd Saturday in September. Schools will have played 3 games by that time these days. College football teams played 10 games plus a bowl, but there were only a few bowl games.

Then, the money started pouring in from television rights. The seasons started earlier and earlier. They went to 11 games per season and then the bowls. Then, it became 12 games, plus conference championship games and then the bowls and there are a boat load of bowl games. Often bowl games matching 6-6 teams against other 6-6 teams.

They even have a bowl game on blue turf. I won’t watch football on blue turf.

Along came ESPN and the average wife beater tee shirt wearing football fan was in sports heaven.

There was  also ABC, CBS, NBC became the Notre Dame Network, and then there was Fox.

Everything was going along great. The Joe Schmoe football fan could watch football on any given Fall Saturday from 11 AM till Midnight or their eyes began to cross or whichever came first.

All was good in football fan land.

They say too much of something can actually be a bad thing.

Too much money is the actual problem and not the football.

ESPN gave the University of Texas over 300 million dollars to form the new Longhorn Network. It’s similar to a college football player that just finished his junior year of college. Why should he not take the money and turn pro? Who would walk away from that kind of money if it’s being thrown at you? I certainly wouldn’t. Why would the University of Texas walk away from that kind of money? Obviously, they didn’t.

The Longhorn Network was formed.

Only problem with that is, NOBODY CAN SEE IT!!!!

In case I am being misunderstood, when you type out a phrase or a word on the internet in all caps, that usually means you are yelling. I AM YELLING!

If you are a Gator or an Aggie, or a Razorback that’s probably pretty funny to you.

But, then you have to consider that our pals over at ESPN have done it again and they have started the SEC Network.

A lot of football fans are going to be frustrated over this, including myself because I really would like to have the SEC Network really badly.

The Big 10 and the Pac 12 have their own networks as well. But, they formed their own network and took in Fox Sports as a minority owner.

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I do, however, receive the Pac 12 Conference Network.

It’s actually pretty awesome. They show sporting events for each and every conference school and not just football. They covered all of the Pac 12 teams Spring Football Games.

Right now, if I had to pick a favorite conference, it would be the Pac 12 because I actually get to see some of their events.

ESPN had a great thing, The Disney Company and Hearst Corporation joint venture has a huge corner of the market with all of the ESPN channels and with ABC.


But, then, they had to go and ruin it with these Networks which most people won’t be able to see.


I have been asking, and pleading and almost begging to get one of these new networks since the inception. It’s still not available in my area. SEC Network probably won’t be available in this area, either.

I’ve tried everything I know how to do to get the programs at my house. It’s not looking good.

Phone calls have gotten me nowhere. First of all, you can’t talk to anyone with the power to do anything and you get the usual runaround. It’s funny how something as big as this becomes nobody’s responsibility, only it’s not really amusing at all. Not to the consumer, that is. I am sure the executives at ESPN are having a huge laugh over it. Only, ESPN is the one that should be frustrated the most since they spent 300 million bucks on a network that almost nobody can see.

But, maybe now they have awakened a sleeping giant in the average every day SEC fan. SEC fans are not going to be amused at all by missing their favorite SEC teams play because nobody can see the SEC Network.

My biggest hope is that SEC fans that aren’t going to get the Network in August will join me in this battle.



Nobody at ESPN cares that I can’t receive their Networks. Nobody at any of the cable companies care whether I get the Networks.


All I can do at this point is slam ESPN on my Blog, which they don’t really care about, either.